Stalham Yuletide Market 2022
Preparations are well underway for the Stalham Yuletide Market on Sunday 4th December from 1pm until 5pm. The whole High Street will be closed with a variety of festive stalls, crafts, food, drink, metalwork, handmade knits, Christmas cakes, puddings, preserves, bottles, gifts, toys, garden and wooden gifts, Christmas wreaths and decorations, tombola and raffles along the High Street. The Town Hall, and Baptist School rooms will also be crammed with stalls selling a variety of goods. St Mary’s Church will be dazzling with Decorated Trees for the Annual Christmas tree Festival and festive live music will be taking place there all afternoon. The afternoon entertainment will finish at St Marys Church with The Scratch Band playing carols and inviting us all to join in. The Baptist School room will host Santa giving away free gifts to children (gifts sponsored by The Stalham Community Shop).
The Baptist Church itself will have musical entertainment from The Walcott Warblers, and from Papajam, a father and daughter duo who will be singing for us during the afternoon. Papajam will be performing at 1pm and again at 3pm with the Walcott Warblers singing carols and festive songs at about 2pm.
As well as Father Christmas making a magical appearance at about 2.30 in the Baptist Old Stables and giving out presents, we are hoping to have Facepainting as well for children. Local author Peter Tye will be reading stories from his Little Red Tractor books in the Baptist Church, or maybe even the Stables or both. Peter will also be selling copies of his books for children. Peter has been visiting events for some years but this will be his last public appearance. Please make time to bring your children and listen to his stories. Peter will be in the Stables from 1pm until 5pm with his books. Children can also get their Face Painted at the Baptist Church Hall.
With a range of cold savory foods and sweet treats for sale, a candy stall, specialist coffee van, beers and ciders, toasted almonds in the High Street and a Charcoal Fired BBQ at the Swan Inn, there will be plenty of great food available. Our local cafes will also be open in the afternoon.
There will be live Christmas music from Carol and Paula outside the old Barclays bank
We are hoping that the weather will be favorable and kind to us at Stalham, so please come along, support your local town, independent businesses and unique stalls which will be visiting us for the afternoon.