The Green Father Christmas Trail 1st- 23rd December

The Stalham Area Business Forum is inviting shops and businesses to join our Stalham Green Father Christmas Trail, which will last through December. You will be given a Green Father Christmas Cut out, a number and a line from a famous Christmas Carol. All you need to do is to make a display and incorporate your Father Christmas and Carol line into the display.
During December, The Stalham Area Business Forum is providing 40 real Christmas trees with white lights, which will brighten the High Street. The lights will be battery operated, so no electricity will be needed from shops. These will be erected on Sunday 26th November.. weather permitting!!
We are hoping that shops and businesses will help us decorate Stalham with window displays, based on our Green Father Christmas. Your Display can be any size or shape, made from any materials, but must be visible in your window from 1st to 23rd December. We suggest that you have simple white lights to illuminate the display, which will complement the Trees in the High Street. For some design ideas look at old Christmas Cards, or even new ones.
Displays can be arranged in a cardboard box, wooden box, plastic box or freestanding with a festive scene, street scene, snow scene, indoor Christmas, woodland, mountain, animal scene. It could be hung in your window as a mobile or on a shelf visible from the street. Anywhere that it can be seen!
There will be quiz sheets in all shops participating so that visitors can hunt the Carol and Father Christmas. All they need do is identify the Carol that the line is from and note the number of the display.
Example. ‘In his Masters steps he trod!’ …… GOOD KING WENCESLAS Display Number 3
The Green Father Christmas Trail 1st- 23rd December
We………………………………………. would like to join in with the Stalham Christmas Trail
Phone nos
Response forms to Cafe Charlotte, 118 High Street or Century Printing or Stalham DIY . Thanks
Please respond by November 17th November at the very latest if you wish to join in.